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How To Prepare Your Vehicle For Emergencies

Photo by ardito Ryan Harrisna on Unsplash

Accidents and breakdowns can happen to anyone. There is no course of action that is 100% certain to avoid these events, outside of refusing to drive an automobile. If you drive regularly, sooner or later, it is statistically probable that you will either have a breakdown or become involved in an accident.


The worst part about dealing with emergency situations that happen unexpectedly is not being able to predict when they will happen. However, always staying prepared is a good idea to make sure that you are ready to deal with whatever situation comes your way. 


Here are a few things you can keep in handy to prepare your vehicle for an emergency situation:

  • First-Aid kit - these can be purchased from office supply places. It’s not a bad idea to supplement it with a trip to your local Dollar Store’s medicine area for name-brand pain relievers at a reduced cost.
  • An Emergency Flashlight - we can highly recommend the GoalZero Flashlight Torch 250. Left in your back window, it will draw on the sun constantly and then give you multiple modes of help when you need it (flashing lights, a flood, USB charging, etc.
  • Food and water - a few water bottles and some long-term snacks are another good Dollar Store investment.
  • Fire extinguisher - you’ll need to update this item eventually, but a working fire extinguisher can save lives in a fire.
  • A small toolkit - just a few practical tools (an adjustable wrench, a Phillips head screwdriver, and a straight slot screwdriver) can mean the difference between a short adjustment and a long wait for a tow truck.
  • Towels and blankets - if caught in Winter weather, this can be the difference between getting sick and walking away healthy.
  • Restart tools - this can include a good set of booster/jumper cables, an air pump for deflated tires, and so on.

Emergencies can be scary, but the better prepared you are, the easier it will be to get out of a sticky situation. Being prepared for emergency situations also means making sure that your car is properly serviced before hitting the road. Schedule an appointment and let us know if you need to reserve a loaner car. We look forward to seeing you soon!

