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Monthly Archives: January 2021

How Many Miles Can a Transmission Take Before it Needs to be Replaced?

How Many Miles Can a Transmission Take Before it Needs to be Replaced?

The transmission is one of the most important parts of your car, and with proper maintenance and care, it will last longer than you think! The lifespan in mileage depends on the quality of your preventative maintenance and the vehicle model. It's important to ensure all scheduled tune-ups and regular service are provided to give your transmission the longest life you can! Preventative Maintenance Equals Longer Mileage and Better Performance Your transmission can last as little as 10,000 miles without proper care and service, or up to 200,000 by ensuring your vehicle is regularly serviced and checked for damage. If you suspect your car isn't running properly, it's best to check in with your local mechanic to be certain, even after a tune-up. Proactive Maintenance Means Fewer Expenses for Your Vehicle and Transmission Considering how important the transmission is to your car's lifetime, changing transmission fluid should be done carefully, especially if mileage is hig ... read more

Top Five Ways To Prepare Your Car For Winter Outdoor Activities

Welcome to the New Year! If you’re going out to play in the snow up in the mountains, or going skiing in Colorado, you might want to consider a few helpful steps before you head out on your adventures. These are our top 5 ways to prepare your car for winter activities: Give the Tires a lot of love. Get a tire inflator that works from the road and fill your tires to the correct pressure before you start out. Check your tire tread and the rotation of the tires. Consider snow tires or all-weather tires if you’re going deep into snow somewhere. Top up your fluids. This is a really obvious thing, but if you’ve not looked into the maintenance of your car in a few months, do it before you head into snow. Change your oil and antifreeze. Make sure the winter windshield wiper fluid is in your tank, to prevent it freezing. Prepare an emergency kit. You want things to help you get out of snow if you slide into a snow bank, like a small shovel and a piece of old carpet slightly ... read more

